News and Info

Vanuatu Project

HCF has initiated an action plan to offer its services in developing focussed strategies for human capital development in the South Pacific. HCF has obtained a Mandate from the...

Afghanistan Project

HCF, via its predecessor Human Capital Project at ANIBT, delivered a 3-month online program in Principles of Project Management to 24 young candidates in Afghanistan of whom 17 were...

HCF Project Lead Conducts Workshop on Ethical Leadership

Corporate Sustainability Academy of the United Nations Global Compact Network Georgia conducted a workshop in February 2024 for founders and CEOs of 15 Georgian SMEs on Ethical Leadership. Nino Gventsadze , Project Lead at HCF, led the workshop covering the concept of leadership,  leadership styles, essential leadership qualities and skills. The workshop discussed the critical aspects of ethical leadership, emphasizing the significance of ethical decisions, values, norms, attitudes, and behaviors. Participants explored ethical leadership models and engaged in discussions with real-life examples of ethical dilemmas, enriching their understanding and application of ethical leadership principles.

The first Australia-Georgia Symposium: Archaeology and Beyond

The first Australia-Georgia Symposium: Archaeology and Beyond was held at the Melbourne University on 23 March 2024. It was an initiative of the Georgian Embassy to the Commonwealth of Australia and the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at the prestigious University of Melbourne. A key theme of the Symposium was GAIA – Georgian Australian Investigations in Archaeology – with reference to the Rabati project in Georgia. Presentations included topics on Georgian polyphonic music, history of Georgian wines, Georgian culture and the story of how Georgian Polyphonic music was embedded in NASA’s Voyager project. The event, attended by 200 participants ended with the celebration of Georgian wine and spirits and polyphonic singing. Georgia’s ambassador Beka Dvali plans to ensure the continuity of this special symposium at least once in two years. Human Capital Foundation’s CEO Guy de Fontgalland, and Director of Operations Nino Ositashvili participated in the Melbourne symposium.